Your Official Guide to
Mizzou's brand and identity
Mizzou is home to a community of innovators, doers and leaders. Together, we communicate in one voice, crafting messages and materials that uphold brand and identity standards to increase the impact of our story. This collection of resources and guidelines helps our campus community communicate as one, as Mizzou. M-I-Z!

Business Cards
Content and ordering guidelines for Mizzou stationery items, including business cards, letterhead, e-letterhead and envelopes.

Promotional Items
Guidelines for orders placed by campus entities and student organizations for apparel, merchandise and promotional items.

Guidelines for on-campus photography, official photo release, and access to the Mizzou Digital Asset Platform.

Brand Colors
Learn about Mizzou’s primary and secondary colors and how to use them on print and digital materials.

Brand Graphics
Learn more about the visual graphics and how they support the Mizzou brand messaging.

Recent Updates
Quickly find all recent updates and new guidelines pertaining to the Mizzou identity and brand.

Getting Started
New to Mizzou or not sure where to start on our site? This collection of resources helps you get the information you need faster.
Employee Toolkits